Monday, January 4, 2016

Contoh Naskah Drama Rapunzel dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk 6 orang


*in the beach
Ibu rapunzel        :"Dad ... are you able to come back here a minute?"
Ayah rapunzel     :Yes honey wait a moment .. ( taking part in within the water)
Ibu rapunzel :      "dear .. please came here, there one thing i would like to speak with you "
 (father and mother came over)
Ayah rapunzel : (with a at a loss face, and Sat down next to him mother)
Ibu rapunzel : "Father .. (resting on the shoulders of the father) wouldn't you
Want a baby? we've got been along for ten years however couldn’t have one
Ayah rapunzel :"Of course pricey, United Nations agency wouldn't need a baby ... (much later) it absolutely was pricey you higher break ..
(and the mother rapt away)
--- keesokan harinya
Ibu rapunzel : "dad ... (Rapunzel's father ran to) check out ... i am pregnant!
Ayah rapunzel : ar you positive baby? OMG!! That’s was awing
Ibu rapunzel : "But pappa .. i favor to eat flowers, like the dish was smart for "
Ayah rapunzel : "Okay .. currently all for your pricey .. i do know the name of this desire, I gonna go
--- di taman
Ayah rapunzel : "Wow .. there looks to be a delicious flowers there, my spouse would am passionate about it "(and then go pull out the flower)

Read: cara agar tetap bisa beraktifitas meski tak tidur semalaman

(lalu penyihir datang)
Penyihir : "Hey you .. what does one do (in a tone loud) what you wish to steal it?
Ayah rapunzel : "No .. ferisha! My spouse is pregnant and needs to eat your flowers "
Penyihir : "Oh .. as a result of the spouse would get pregnant thus you're absolve to take my flowers. So! "
Ayah rapunzel : 'm sorry, you'll be able to take something from me"
Penyihir : "Okay .. I simply wish your baby provide ME of your spouse ! in an exceedingly birthday on the day to sixteen years,before it gave it the name of Rapunzel, just like the flowers that you learned it (with sarcasm)
Ayah rapunzel : "But ... okay, however please don't hurt my daugther (with a weak tone)
Penyihir : We’ll see ( get through )
---- sixteen tahun kemudian , dirumah bertingkat
---- sixteen years later, in town house
*lagu : United Nations agency says – selena Gomez
 song: United Nations agency says - Selena Gomez
(saat itu ditampakkan rapunzel sedang berdandan dengan cantik)
Music berhenti*
(when it absolutely was discovered Rapunzel dress up beautifully)
Music stops *
Rapunzel's mother: "Rapunzel .. wherever ar you? "
Rapunzel: "rrgghh (a growl) i'm  here ma "     
Rapunzel's mother: "oh god ... however pretty you are"
Rapunzel: "Thanks mamma .. (as he hugged his mother)
 Rapunzel's mother: "come on down .. it is time you celebrate your sixteen th birthday. See, currently you are Associate in Nursing adult
(Rapunzel down from the stairs)
(friend "looked astonished at Rapunzel Rapunzel"
Friend 1: "oh god .. is that this you? "
Teman2: "You look thus lovely ...
(witch suddenly come)
*semua length ketakutan
* all the silence of worry
Witch: " I come back to require  your promise .."
Rapunzel's father: "no!! ... please not now"

Rapunzel's mother: "my husband .. What will that mean? What going on?
Rapunzel: "mom i am afraid ... (hiding behind mother)
Witch      : you create some mistakes with ME... bring ME metropolis female offspring NOW!!!!     
 (lalu kemudian penyihir mengambil rapunzel Iranian kedua Pongo pygmaeus tuanya dan membawanya ke menara)
witch: "You Rapunzel .. (pointing) you’ll be mine

Mother and Rapunzel: "... no!"
(and then the wizard takes Rapunzel from her folks and took him to the tower)
Friend 1: "Lighten up .. woman ought to
Friend 2: "yes .. you've got to wait and see we have a tendency to believe, can got to be saved
---- di menara :
---- On the tower:
Witch: "I'll prevent during this tower for  years .. you'll eat through my magic "
(and left)
--- five years later
Prince and also the guards: "mom .. i will be able to hunt and  fred these days .. i am making an attempt to search out ruminant and that we can eat well tonight "(in a tone of enthusiasm) 

Mrs. Prince: "my son .. during this castle of any food you'll be able to eat, what you rummage around for it and cause you to tired? "
Prince: "mom .. i would like to be freelance
Guardian of the prince: "Queen's okay, it's acceptable for adult patrician, currently he's 21years previous
Mrs. Prince: "okay .. I trust you to stay him "
Guardian of the prince: "of course the queen ..
Prince: "bye mamma..
--- di hutan
--- within the woods
*lagu – writing in your heart (Barbie)
*song – writing in your heart (Barbie)
(rapunzel sedang bernyanyi)
(Rapunzel singing)
Prince: "What is beautiful voice .. I ne'er detected this lovely voice. wherever  from? (while wanting toward the sound source)
Guardian of the prince: "sir .. ought to we have a tendency to return ! it'll be night .. well to not linger here
Prince: " affirmative.. we have a tendency to had to travel.
--- dirumah pangeran, tempat makan
--- reception patrician, places to eat
Prince: "mom .. during this forest I detected an attractive voice .. once ! however I don't understand its wherever from it's
Mrs. Prince: "is a few girl?"
Prince: "I suppose so"
Mrs. Prince: well like that , you want to to probing for her
Prince: "thank you mamma .. (then hug his mother)
--- keesokan harinya
Guardian of the prince: "tomorrow we have a tendency to get there"

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